Personally, I cried, I was shaking, sobbing, bewildered, wailed, wept, whined, roared, howled, shed tears, I was full of emotion...I never felt this way before, about ANY game...! Though, you should play with someone beside you, and maybe even turn the graphics to max, you would NOT want to miss any of the sonics team pixels. The game will feel more authentic if you play this In the dark with someone whispering in your ears, making you feel as if your voices are getting louder! The camera movement feels so natural. ( it is basically nonexistent.) The models and animations are really made well, I thought that I was actually playing the sequel to sonic forces! Highly recommend!
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Personally, I cried, I was shaking, sobbing, bewildered, wailed, wept, whined, roared, howled, shed tears, I was full of emotion...I never felt this way before, about ANY game...! Though, you should play with someone beside you, and maybe even turn the graphics to max, you would NOT want to miss any of the sonics team pixels. The game will feel more authentic if you play this In the dark with someone whispering in your ears, making you feel as if your voices are getting louder! The camera movement feels so natural. ( it is basically nonexistent.) The models and animations are really made well, I thought that I was actually playing the sequel to sonic forces! Highly recommend!